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Tributes flow as Condons
enters retirement

By Scott Simpson

Commissioners James and Jan Condon have                “Women, you are like an army of warriors; strong
been praised for their 45-year “partnership” as        and resilient, godly and wise, gifted and with great
Salvation Army officers, during their retirement       potential. God delights in you. Stay close to him.”
service in Sydney last month. Fellow officers,         In summing up his 45 years of officership,
Salvationists, family and friends travelled from       Commissioner James Condon chose to use a
Canada, the United States, Papua New Guinea,           quote from Dutch theologian, Henri Nouwen.
and across Australia to officially farewell the        “Every day, I get a daily devotional from Nouwen,”
Australia Eastern Territory leaders, at Sydney         he said. “Some weeks ago, I read, ‘When we
Congress Hall on 14 May.                               travel [through life] with the eyes and ears of God
General Linda Bond (Ret.), who had worked              who sent us we will see wonderful sights, hear
closely with the Condons during her three years        wonderful sounds, meet wonderful people, and
as commander of the Australia Eastern Territory,       then be happy to return home.’ That has been my
delivered a particularly poignant tribute as she       experience, and for that I will ever be grateful to
presented them with their retirement certificates.     God, and to The Salvation Army, and to all who
“For many years, I have prayed for you both every      have shared the journey with me.
day. And I will continue to do so until my dying day.  “Jan and I would want to leave with you the words
James and Jan, I love you,” she said, her voice at     of Psalm 115:1, ‘Not to us, Lord, not to us but to
times faltering with emotion. “I love you because      your name be glory, because of your love and
we worked together, we laughed together, we had        faithfulness.’”
fun together. I love you because I have seen the       Four decades of service
best in Salvation Army officership in you two. I love  James Condon and Jan Vickery entered
you because when the chips were down I had you.        Salvation Army officer training as part of the
I love you because you love Jesus.”                    Victorious session of cadets, in 1970; James from
Tributes were also brought by the Condons’ two         Shoalhaven Corps on the NSW South Coast and
daughters, Alyson Tong and Sharon Turner,              Jan from Uralla Corps in the New England region
Commissioner Andrew Kalai (PNG Territory),             of the state. They were commissioned as officers
Lieutenant-Colonel Miriam Gluyas (on behalf of         in January 1972; Lieutenant James Condon
officers), Mark Soper (soldiers and youth) and         appointed as corps officer at Tenterfield and
Roger Corbett (Territorial Advisory Board). All        Lieutenant Jan Vickery as corps officer at Bingara.
made reference to the wonderful team that James        They were married in late-December 1972, Jan
and Jan are. There were also video messages            joining James as corps officer at Tenterfield.
from Boscombe Corps in the United Kingdom              Further corps officer roles followed in NSW
and from the PNG Territory, two places where the       and Queensland, including Auburn and Sydney
Condons had seen overseas service.                     Congress Hall, interspersed with appointments
Commissioner Jan Condon acknowledged the               at the Officer Training College, and the Public
presence throughout her officership journey of a       Relations and Program for Growth departments. In
faithful, gracious God who is “the same yesterday      1995, they moved to the United Kingdom as corps
and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), and             officers at Boscombe, an appointment they held
made special mention of her passion for women’s        for three years.
ministries. “What potential and talent there is in
women that is so often overlooked,” she said.

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